Monday, September 16, 2013

Scary Teachers!

 In that I've had to tell my students several times, that I don't bite. I mean really, why would any student be afraid of a teacher!? I'm all for shaming them a little if they did something really wrong, but I have a lot of students who just, won't ask me for help. As in, they just won't do stuff if they don't understand. Who did they have in their past education that they are afraid to go to a teacher and get yelled at for not understanding!? Isn't that their job for them to not understand and for us to help them?

Even ok, I understand if they are embarrassed, but even so... isn't it more embarrassing to like be sitting not doing anything, or get a 0, then asking for help and getting a decent grade. When did failure become such an attractive option? Where's the try, where's the help me please? I don't bite! I'm actually quite nice without the fangs.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Welcome to the new blog "That One Teacher!" 

Who is "that one teacher?"

That one teacher is you!  It's me!  It's any teacher or former teacher.  It's the teacher from your childhood you just can't remember the name of and you find yourself saying "you know, that one teacher I had in 3rd grade!"

A little bit about this blog: 

This is a place for teachers to share!  It is open to all teachers and completely anonymous!  You can share funny or touching stories from the classroom, share triumphs and trials and even share your teaching tips and lesson plans!

All post will be published anonymously, but if you want to link back to your blog or twitter you can!

Post will be organized by the following categories: stories, lesson plans, other resources, trials and triumphs.

Have a funny story about your class you want to share?  Had a great "teachable moment"?  Have a really awesome lesson plan you think others would like?  Then this is the place for you!

Feel free to look around, comment liberally and share the link with your teacher friends!
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